In exchange for a release of all claims against, and rights to sue the Defendants and their related persons or entities, the Settling Defendants have agreed to create a Settlement Fund of $520,000. This Settlement Fund will be used to pay Claims, Settlement Administration Costs, taxes, attorneys fees and costs for Class Counsel, and a potential service award to the Plaintiff as approved by the Court.
The “Net Settlement Fund”, which is the amount left over after fees, expenses, taxes, and a service award, will be divided pro rata to all Class Members who timely file a valid Proof of Claim and do not exclude themselves from the Settlement.
Your claim is calculated based on a simple formula provided for by the Washington State Securities Act. That Act provides that purchasers of unregistered securities are entitled to receive the value they paid for the unregistered securities, minus any value received from selling them.
For SAFT Investors, the value of their claim is the $USD value of the “Purchase Amount” “for purposes of Section 3” as stated in the introductory paragraph of their SAFT, less the $USD value of any consideration received for any ATMI tokens purchased through the SAFT, as of the date such consideration was received.
The Net Settlement Fund will be reduced, dollar for dollar, for each Claim paid. In the event the value of Claims does not exhaust the Net Settlement Fund, each valid Claim will be multiplied pro rata to exhaust the Net Settlement Fund. In the event that the value of Claims exceeds the amount of money in the Net Settlement Fund, each Claim will be reduced pro rata. Whether up or down, the pro rata share of all claimants will be adjusted so that all of the Net Settlement Fund is paid out. If the prorated payment for any Claim is less than $10.00, it will not be included in the calculation and no distribution will be made for that Claim.
After the initial distribution of the Net Settlement Fund, the Administrator will make reasonable efforts to have Class Members cash their distribution checks. To the extent any monies remain in the Net Settlement Fund a reasonable time after the initial distribution, and if the Administrator determines that it is cost-effective to do so, the Administrator will conduct a re-distribution of the funds remaining after payment of any unpaid fees and expenses incurred in administering the Settlement, including for such re-distribution, to Class Members who have cashed their initial distributions and who would receive at least $10.00 from such re-distribution. Additional re-distributions to Class Members who have cashed their prior checks and who would receive at least $10.00 on such additional re-distributions may occur thereafter if the Administrator determines that additional re-distributions, after the deduction of any additional fees and expenses incurred in administering the Settlement, including for such re-distributions, would be cost-effective. At such time as it is determined that the redistribution of funds remaining in the Net Settlement Fund is not cost-effective, the remaining balance will be contributed to non-sectarian, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization(s),to be recommended by Class Counsel and approved by the Court.
Payments from the Net Settlement Fund, under any plan of allocation as may be approved by the Court, will be conclusive against all Class Members. No person shall have any claim against Class Counsel, Plaintiff, the Escrow Agent, Administrator or other agent arising from distributions made substantially in accordance with the Agreement, the plan of allocation approved by the Court, or further Orders of the Court. Among other things, the Defendants, and their respective counsel shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the investment or distribution of the Settlement Fund or the Net Settlement Fund; the determination, administration, calculation, or payment of any claim or nonperformance of the Administrator; the payment or withholding of taxes; or any losses incurred in connection therewith. The Settlement Agreement, which is available on the 'Important Documents' tab of this website, describes all the details about the proposed Settlement.